Find the holistic health practitioner that best suits your needs.
Traditional Alternative Care
$150 or complimentary with the bioenergetic scan
Follow up $50
PH Testing
This is used to detect how your upper and lower digestion is running. It allows us to see a pattern of digestion. Optimal PH for digestion is 6.4. Using PH strips we test the urine and saliva to see the gaps and make corrections with food choices and some supplements when necessary.
Muscle Response Testing
A type of applied kinesiology to detect how the body responds to different systems within the body. Based on your intake form and our conversation, I will perform certain fields of testing on different systems to see where your body needs support. I will use your arm and touch different parts of your body. Your body will tell me what you need.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Face Mapping
Observations of the face, tongue, and nails to correlate finding of the body’s cry for help. These observations lead us to triangulate areas of the body that need support. The symptom is not the cause; it’s the body’s cry for help. Symptoms are actually a good thing and the quicker they are acknowledged the more we are able to support optimal health.
No two eyes are the same, not even the two you have. The eyes are the gateway to the soul and using the ancient form of iridology we are able to see the constitutional strengths and weaknesses of your individual and unique body. Using an eye chart we can observe body systems that need support and wok on optimizing wellness based on what the eyes reveal.